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Astronergy’s ASTRO N TOPCon modules achieve 0.66% first-year degradation

Writer's picture: Energy ChannelEnergy Channel

According to CPVT’s recent report on module outdoor degradation, Astronergy’s ASTRO N n-type TOPCon PV modules achieved an impressive first-year degradation of only 0.66%, way lower than the industry’s average of 1%

Astronergy’s ASTRO N TOPCon modules achieve 0.66% first-year degradation
Astronergy’s ASTRO N TOPCon modules achieve 0.66% first-year degradation

Featuring advanced double AR coating glass and a higher bifaciality rate, Astronergy's n-type TOPCon PV modules optimize light absorption while minimizing reflection loss, thus ensuring maximum efficiency. Moreover, with a temperature coefficient of -0.29 degrees Celsius, ASTRO N TOPCon module products show minimal heat loss, and deliver outstanding power generation performance compared to other products. 

CPVT’s testing power station is located in Northwest China’s Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, which enjoys abundant sunshine and strong solar radiation. These conditions make it an ideal place to conduct tests to verify the module's performance against UVID and LID resistance. 

After more than one year of outdoor sunlight exposure from September 2022 to November 2023, the lowest degradation is 0.53% while the highest degradation of the 9 testing modules is 0.79%, resulting in an average degradation of 0.66%.

At SNEC 2024, Astronergy was hornered the “2024 Overall Highest Achiever” again by the Renewable Energy Test Center (RETC). The company’s ASTRO N n-type TOPCon PV modules outperformed the industry average in 10 tests, such as LETID Resistance test, Damp Heat test, PID Resistance, etc. 

As one of the first companies in the industry to realize mass production of TOPCon PV modules, Astronergy remains dedicated to providing top-quality and reliable products. In 2024, Astronergy plans to produce 76GW of PV modules, with TOPCon products accounting for 91%. 

Astronergy’s ASTRO N TOPCon modules achieve 0.66% first-year degradation



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